United We Stand

Ranks of the Coast Guard

Enlisted Personnel:

Pay Grade Title Insignia
E-1 Seaman Recruit None
E-2 Seaman Apprentice
E-3 Seaman
E-4 Petty Officer 3rd Class
E-5 Petty Officer 2nd Class
E-6 Petty Officer 1st Class
E-7 Chief Petty Officer
E-8 Senior Chief Petty Officer
E-9 Master Chief Petty Officer


Commissioned Officers:

Pay Grade Title Insignia
Dress Uniform Collar
Shoulder Boards Sleeve
O-1 Ensign
O-2 Lieutenant Junior Grade
O-3 Lieutenant
O-4 Lieutenant Commander
O-5 Commander
O-6 Captain
O-7 Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
O-8 Rear Admiral (Upper Half)
O-9 Vice Admiral
O-10 Admiral

Ribbons...you see them on the uniforms, but what
so they stand for?  Click the ribbon above for a list.

For a list of specialty insignia insignia worn by the Coast Guard,
click the image above.

This spells "USCG". This spells "USCG". This spells "USCG". This spells "USCG".

Ever wonder what those flags mean that you see waving from
both military and some commercial ships? Well click the
signal flags above to see what/who they are.




Click above to change the branch of service.